In pursuit of his search for the greatest headphones, Tech Engineer Zach Vinci is on a mission to try out the most unique headphones on the market. This week, Zach tried out a pair of bone conduction headphones.

Although bone conduction headphones aren’t exactly new, this unique and innovative design has recently risen in popularity. As a Tech Engineer and overall headphones enthusiast, Zach Vinci was intrigued by the concept of the technology. Essentially, bone conduction headphones work by transmitting vibrations of sound. The headphones rest against the skin, rather than in the ear. This open ear design enables you to listen to music while staying consciously aware of all sounds around you. As someone who prefers to listen to music and podcasts while working, Zach was intrigued by the idea of bone conduction headphones straight away. But unfortunately, his experience in utilizing these devices are proven to be a big disappointment.
Zach Vinci is a tech enthusiast and longtime user of Vinci Headphones (the first AI-powered smart headphones). But even though they share a name, Zach isn’t married to Vinci Headphones! So he’s up for trying new devices every now and then. Recently, he discovered bone conduction headphones, which are supposed to work by transmitting vibrations through bone. While he can’t argue that this may be happening, the actual application of these headphones proves lackluster. The auditory experience on their own is far from enjoyable. While the sound dramatically improves by inserting earplugs into your ear sockets, this alone counteracts the overall intention of the product. In short, Zach Vinci votes these headphones a solid NO!
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